No matter how many times some people are told, they still cling to a myth that some form of "liberal Islam" is the norm, perhaps accomodating gay clergy, female mullahs, pork menus and accomodation with Western consumerism. They delude themselves it is being somehow supressed or obscured by minority hardline fundamentalism. This is the "surely these folks are reasonable like us?" line of thinking.
However Islam is sina qua non a political religion in it's mainstream, and one that expresses fundamentalist values as the median, not the exception. Those who thought the Iranian election would bring about "liberal reform" were once more shown to be idle dreamers. Now the terrorist-loving President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, has appointed hardliners to all key ministerial positions and Tehran is about to re-open plutonium processing. The basic message to the EU appeasement team negotiating over nuclear matters and led by Chamberlain-In-Chief Jacques Chirac is: a firm Iranian middle finger.
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