It's surprising how little in the Western media about the death of Dr. John Garang, leader of the largely Christian black southern Sudanese. Garang fought Africa's longest civil war, lasting a 21 brutal years and ending in the non-Muslims forcing Khartoum to allow partial autonomy and the suspension of sharia. A few days later and Garang is dead in a helicopter crash.
For 1300 years the Islamic north used the south Sudan as a slaving ground, exporting perhaps as many hapless black kafirs (unbelievers) as the entire Atlantic slave trade - and from one region of Africa alone. Males were mostly castrated as eunuchs and females sent to harems all over the Muslim world.
From 1883 the British ruled Sudan, protected the blacks and tried to introduce the rule of law. Rapidly after the British left some 50 years ago the Muslims began their opression, forced conversion, slavery, massacre and sharia mistreatment of the southern blacks all over. The south Sudanese decided they had to fight back or perish.
The Nuba, Dinka and others taught the entire world a lesson in standing up to Islamist extremism, defeating the endless jihads directed at the poor, starving and isolated south. Probably 3 million people lost their lives in war and famine, yet they won - and with oil to exploit, southern Sudan could eventually vote for viable independance from the north.
Current northern Arab Sudanese attitudes to black African Muslims, let alone kafirs, is shown by the on-going Darfur crisis. Garang, the SPLA, Darfur and the plight of black Africans are an intense and silencing embarassment to the leftists and their PC bedfellows. Pro-Western black Christians defeating Islamists? What sauce!
We should have heard a lot more about this heroic conflict but the MSM is uncomfortable with the whole thing.
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