19 Oct 2006

Gibberish Generator

Ever tried to figure out what modern "scholars" actually mean in their post-modern, deconstructed theses and studies? Are you going for an senior NGO job or looking forward to possible employment in the social services? Perhaps you have a Modern Literature exam looming and are short of the correct trendy ideas?

A superb Postmodern Generator is available, free and just a mouse click away. Now you will be able to construct essay after essay of meaningless post-modern jargon based on the warped ideas of whacko French mental masturbators like Jaques Derrida and the immortal Foucalt, heirs to the great intellectual tradition that includes the Marquis de Sade and Rousseau.

Just visit the Postmodern Generator and every time you refresh the screen, a new and densly brilliant essay, featuring the most up-to-date leftist thinking, is prepared; original, pioneering and exceptionally penetrative.

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