21 Oct 2004


here has been one good thing this week at least, the passing of Jaques Derrida, yet another of the dire French philosophers of the past century. Whereas Jean- Paul Satre was responsible for an entire generation of existentialist angst and quasi-Marxist rapture ( not for nothing were the Khymer Rouge called "Satre's Children"), the wretched Derrida managed to outdo even Satre. Derrida is the father of such gems of philosophy as post-modernism and "de-construction", whereby everything anyone ever believed in, anywhere, at any time, has been held up for ridicule and proved to not exist. Except power.

Derrida's drivel whelped the even worse Michael Foucault, the philosopher of sexual depravity and cruelty whose "works" and "methods"  now dominate intellectual discourse in Western academia. Foucault exited in 1984  a squalid death amongst the Turkish bathhouse scene of San Francisco, specializing in his "power" of    sado-masochism. From this contemporary Marquis de Sade to the downfall of the teaching of Western humanities was an inevitable step. Needless to say both men were basic Marxists

 Foucault for example, concludes in his scribblings  that mental illness is a result of alienation caused by capitalism. This idea is being extended to all illness being a result of capitalism or or racism.. Thus 80 years after Lysenkoism, we arrive  back at the same point in de-constructed science.

Moral relativism and even nihilism seem like friendly armchairs compared to the vacuous gobbledegook that Derrida  and  Foucault conceived.
Derrida's ideas and those of Foucaltian followers in most Western universities comprise the greatest feats of  philosophical failure  since the evolution of the brain cell.

 France is renowned as a country having the finest  wine and cuisine.....and the worst philosophers.

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