27 Oct 2004


Madagascar G.O.P. Volonteers
18th October 2004 : ABC news carried the startling statistic that 57% of Republicans in the USA enjoyed their sex lives, compared to only 46% of Democrats. Also, almost twice as many Republicans had ever worn a garment designed to enhance their sex appeal or inflame their partner than Democrats.

It upsets conventional wisdom to imagine those country club loving, stiff-assed, square-brained, family values Republicans should lead significantly happier sex lives than the funky, mother-earth, third-world hugging Dems. Could the Reps really be the sexier party? Will it be possible to swing those votes with a little s*x appeal instead of the deadly fear and boredom of WMD and who should have done what to Saddam earlier or better?

I watched both the national conventions and  the Republican women in New York looked prettier, better preserved, better dressed and more happy to flaunt their feminine charm than the Democrat ladies in Boston. They also seemed to be having more pure F-U-N.
Also, a large number of Republicans these days are Southerners - and it's common knowledge that women from the South believe in sex, like to flaunt it and are always muttering things like "Mah dee-yah, I declare it's too hot in this room ", as they finger their blouse buttons and wipe their foreheads histrionically.

For a woman, who would be more frisky between John Kerry and George Bush? Making out with John Kerry would be worse than embracing an elongated wooden doll - he'd probably read the Karma Sutra to you in French while listening to Tubular Bells.  
The unobvious answer is the twitchy, go-fer- it, super-animated shirtsleeves and wood-choppin' George Dubya.

 Looking at the two candidates it's obvious that GW could get into a glassy eyed, breathless, stamina-sapping, lively......rant?...........romp?..........whatever, he'd be the terrier to Kerry's labrador if it came to that.
As for the candidates wives, this is surely no contest. The previous Democratic President Bill Clinton was noted for having a wife whose charm was capable of reversing global warming - and whose  boudoir skillls drove Funky Bill to third-degree cigarophilia.

Have things got better with Theresa Heinz-Kerry?
The woman appears to do her coiffure with an egg-beater and have the charm of a large lead weight. Laura Bush, well.......... she's not my ideal date ( give me a double scotch and I'll take another look) but next to Theresa she looks like a rampant sex-goddess. Laura seems she could be.......has been.......maybe even IS right now.........., occasionally frisky and maybe even risque. Which woman is more likely to have shopped at Victoria's Secret? Even Michael Moore knows that answer. And when Laura appears in public with GW it's obvious where her 57% feelings lie. Ms. Heinz seems to tolerate the barely tolerable......that his her inexpressibly boring and pretentious husband John. Will she register 46% on the scale, or  four point six?

I could not get away from the Dem ladies even in the remote parts of Madagascar. I was in the Bay of Antongil. Rain forest, lazy rivers, peasant vanilla farmers, the one horse tropical town with is slow charm, the sweep behind us of the blue mountains overlooking the bay. It's a place where little happens and most of it good.

eople there have a complete life and culture that neither need much of the rest of the world - nor deserves it. The town is full of gorgeous Afro-Polynesian beauties, oiled of skin, flush with vanilla cash, buxom, smiling, walking the hip-waggle tropical walk or driving motorbikes and ATVs. We visited the market and stayed for hours, just idling with the Malagasy and watching their happy-go-lucky and affectionate lives.

Back at the hotel we met two American wimmen. They had large Kerry-Edwards buttons and the look of desiccated love-children. Their backpacks were emblazoned with worthy-causes patches. Both wore Joan Baez sandals and one a granny dress from Laura Ashley's 1971 collection. Neither had worn a bra since perhaps 1969 - they kept informing one it was half past six every time they walked.

The maximum care their skin ever got was a good scrubbing with handmade Envirobio soap, with the result that their faces looked like last years' Xmas wrappers.
They hadn't liked the market. Maybe it was too poor and threw them into a globalization bother. Perhaps it wasn't environmentally sound enough, after all the Malagasy don't have garbage trucks and litter vans. Meat was on display, as well as dead fish - did this upset them, since they certainly had that on-the-brink-of-illness look of many vegans.?

We'll never know.
They walked around broadly smiling at everyone with that benign, zoned, white-chick peacenik/beatnik smile that is so condescending. The giant sized Kerry-Edwards buttons meandered and waggled on their T-shirts according to their  whims. It made you want, desire, wish, crave for.............well, a Southern  woman, a long night ahead and a bottle of Tequila.

21 Oct 2004


here has been one good thing this week at least, the passing of Jaques Derrida, yet another of the dire French philosophers of the past century. Whereas Jean- Paul Satre was responsible for an entire generation of existentialist angst and quasi-Marxist rapture ( not for nothing were the Khymer Rouge called "Satre's Children"), the wretched Derrida managed to outdo even Satre. Derrida is the father of such gems of philosophy as post-modernism and "de-construction", whereby everything anyone ever believed in, anywhere, at any time, has been held up for ridicule and proved to not exist. Except power.

Derrida's drivel whelped the even worse Michael Foucault, the philosopher of sexual depravity and cruelty whose "works" and "methods"  now dominate intellectual discourse in Western academia. Foucault exited in 1984  a squalid death amongst the Turkish bathhouse scene of San Francisco, specializing in his "power" of    sado-masochism. From this contemporary Marquis de Sade to the downfall of the teaching of Western humanities was an inevitable step. Needless to say both men were basic Marxists

 Foucault for example, concludes in his scribblings  that mental illness is a result of alienation caused by capitalism. This idea is being extended to all illness being a result of capitalism or or racism.. Thus 80 years after Lysenkoism, we arrive  back at the same point in de-constructed science.

Moral relativism and even nihilism seem like friendly armchairs compared to the vacuous gobbledegook that Derrida  and  Foucault conceived.
Derrida's ideas and those of Foucaltian followers in most Western universities comprise the greatest feats of  philosophical failure  since the evolution of the brain cell.

 France is renowned as a country having the finest  wine and cuisine.....and the worst philosophers.