Few calls by UN officials, European appeasers and various anti-Israeli elements are as empty of substance as the repeated carping for the IDF to show a "proportional reponse" in Lebanese hostilities towards the terrorist organization Hizbollah. We will not go into the fact that Hizbollah violates the Geneva Conventions in it's very structure, designed as it is to attack from and hide amongst civilians.
Hizbollah's main backer's, Syria and Iran have between them a population of 82 million. There are only some 5.25 million Jews in Israel liable for military service. As of today the casualty figures in the Southern Lebabnon war are 51 Israelis and some 450 Lebanese. This includes civilians on both sides. The ratio of Israelis killed is thus about 1:9 vs Lebanese, wheras the population ratio of the two countries that created and support Hizbollah, Iran and Syria, and who both wish Israel to be "wiped off the map", is some 15.75 to one Israeli.
Working on polls the MSM always tell us are "reliable", we also know that some 80% of the over 150 million Arabs in the Middle East do not accept the existance of Israel and wish to see it eliminated. Presumably these also back Hizbollah. In this case the ratio of populations soars, by simple math, to almost 30:1. If the casualty figures were 1530 Lebanese to 51 Israelis, then we would be approaching a truer proportional response by Israel to it's enemies. Rather, the figures to date show the amazing restraint and skill of the IDF ,with far more casualties "proportionally".
Looking at the number of sworn ememies of Israel that surround it in Arab countries and Iran we get some 230 million people who wish to eliminate 5.25 million Jews. If the IDF was inflicting "proportional casualties" based on this ratio, today's dead and wounded would have to reach 2117 dead Lebanese/Hizbollah to every 51 Israelis killed.
The dim and biased mainstream media have never recognised the call for "proportional response" for what it is, an idea that would suit Israel's enemies very well. A strictly "proportional response" in this case would rapidly see Israel depopulated and overrun in any conflict with Arab states.
1 comment:
Being a white guy in africa, that kinda thinking isn't woolly, it's downright dangerous.
The biggest error in your numbers regards who those numbers make up.
The Lebanese casualties (1530 by your estimate) were civilians, women and children that were killed in their homes. PS those figures are still likely to rise due to the bestial deployment of some cluster bombs, a suspiciously high number of which remain enexploded.
The 51 (ag shame) Isrealis killed were mostly (90%) soldiers, killed in a country other than their own.
Another error regards the numbers of each poplulation, since the diaspora left much larger numbers of jewish people outside the middle east, yet still attempting to influence the region.
in my humblest opinion, a proportional response would be for all the rich jews in america to buy some land, raze it to the ground and rebuild israel elsewhere. Considering the amount of money pouring into Israel in the forms of weapons etc, it is a perfectly feasable solution. Whatever was promised 5000 years ago is bullshit to me. People don't expect promises to be kept that were made last week ....
Not that i have anything against israel, or jews, but the fact is they remain a small irritant, which is used by the usa and others to further their own causes in the region, causes which have nothing to do with the well being of the region itself.
Whatever else may be said, the wilful and total destruction of any country is reprehensable, and the perpetrators, from the prime minister to the pilot, should be taken out and shot.
THAT sir, is speaking right.
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