24 Jul 2016

Mangling Munich: British Broadcasting Correctness

The BBC decided, some 18 hours into the Munich McDonald's massacre, to drop "Ali" from the name of the Irano-German perp, one David Ali Sonboly.

Also r  In  were pictures of Anders Brevik and  comments on how the Munich shootings came exactly on the anniversary of  the Nazi nutcase's rampage in Norway. Omitted was that the shootings also came on the anniversary of the establishment of the second colony in Virginia, of 10,000 Jews of Polannoe murdered in Russia and the birth date of Rev. William Archibald Spooner.

Here we see the subtle bias of the PC establishment and  it's propaganda and enabling arms like the BBC.

With a few omissions and straw man insertions they got across the message  they  deliver worldwide: " Non-Muslim (presumed white and German)  creates ultra right wing shooting spree". George Orwell, call your editor.

Numerous interviews with former classmates showed he was universally called "Ali" and not David by his bullying Sunni classmates. Notable were the large number of Albanian and Turk Sunni victims of his shooting, which also included numerous shouts of "Ahhah Akbar". Nothing to see here folks!