My father passed away peacefully yesterday morning, after a very strong life with a few years of weakness and depression in the end. In former times among the Maasai (and probably today), when age got to be overpowering, the very old would signal their time to go and sit under an Acacia tree to stoically await the end. So Dad, a brave man, did the same, refusing hospitals and expensive medications - preferring to die at home with his family. He was aged 80. We are convinced by many small actions he took in the last months and weeks of his life that this was his unspoken choice - to fade away and do it his way.
I am overcome with deep grief and immense admiration for his courage. It was in keeping with Dad's lifetime ambition to help the family rather than burden us. In this case it would have been with immense medical bills. It will be a while till I post again.